Welcome to Inner Temple Wellness
Empowering you in mind, body and spirit!

Signed in as:
Empowering you in mind, body and spirit!
I am an Usui Reiki Practitioner/Teacher and Healing Touch Level I Practitioner. In a session, I will work on balancing and clearing your energy through the chakras. Discussion follows on any intuitive impressions or guidance I receive for you.
I will usually utilize both a psychic and mediumistic level in a personal reading. However, depending on what your needs are, sometimes a sitting may be wholly mediumistic or wholly psychic. My intention is to receive messages to empower your soul.
Generally, this session starts with tuning into your 7 chakras (major energy centers), balancing them and clearing your energy. Discussion follows on any intuitive impressions or guidance I receive for you. These can be offered at in-person or long-distance by connecting via Zoom.
This session is great for a follow up energy clearing or focused on a specific body injury or pain.
This is a great choice if you haven't had reiki before and/or are feeling depleted or heavy in energy. Also great for tuning your energy up!
This is a great choice if you haven't had reiki before and/or are feeling depleted or heavy in energy. This length of time allows longer clearing time!
A Mindful Session can include the following: Yoga Nidra, Breathing Exercises, Guided Meditation, Reiki/Energy Work. These modalities can be alone or combined to make up a 30, 60, or 90 minute Mindful Session. Gentle yoga postures may be included in some of these modalities. Sessions are created to meet your specific goals from the client intake you fill out, through a referral by your therapist and/or by my intuitive guidance for you. These can be offered in-person or via Zoom.
This may be a mediumistic (blending with spirit) , psychic (blending with your soul) or spiritual assessment (see below for description) level reading, depending on your soul's need. My intention for your reading is to receive messages that supports you to live a life that is in keeping with your soul’s true expression. These can be offered in-person or via Zoom. This reading is a form of experiment; no claims are made and results cannot be guaranteed.
In a Spiritual Assessment, we aim to discover your spiritual potential, path and what your gifts are. The goal of a Spiritual Assessment is to see where you are currently on your spiritual journey and where this path could lead you. This is an eye opening experience where you can discover many of your gifts just waiting to surface whether you are at the beginning of your spiritual journey or have been on your journey for some time. You will receive supportive guidance and counsel!
Yoga Classes - My specialty is "slow down yoga" to transform your spirit! My favorite yoga classes incorporate gentle poses and time for a meditation , yoga nidra, restorative or reiki/energy work. I am certified in Yin and Yoga Nidra.
All classes require pre-registration. Email me to ask questions or register! Limited class size.
Do you want to explore Reiki and reconnect to your inherent healing abilities? You’ll discover how Reiki can be used in everyday life as well as the history, levels and benefits of Reiki. We’ll discuss chakra and aura functions, how to work with your intuition, clues to physical ailments and learn hand positions for administering Reiki to yourself and others. I will attune you to Reiki which increases your healing frequency. Want more? How about performing Reiki on your fellow classmates & me!
Want more Reiki? In this life changing class, you’ll learn the three sacred symbols that will increase the power of your hands-on treatments. These symbols will be used during class when you administer/receive a Long Distance Healing to your classmates. It is possible to send Reiki energy and I’ll show you how! Additionally, you will discover ways to change your own negative thoughts into positive ones. This alone can change your life…for the better! We will also practice sessions!
Some believe Reiki III to be the most exciting part of Reiki training as the energy surrounding it seems to be “lighter” than any other level. Come learn the intentions surrounding the last sacred healing symbol and a Master Attunement symbol. You’ll have your Reiki bases covered when you add an immunity energizing procedure plus a technique designed to release negative energy. We’ll wrap this class, and your formal Reiki training, with our customary hands-on Reiki practice time.
Feeling called to teach Reiki? This option is an apprenticeship to help prepare you with teaching your own Reiki classes and practicing attunements. Information provided from your Reiki manuals.
Join me for a journey with the elements of water, fire, wind and air through discussion, meditation, journaling and practicing! We will be going through each element with a different meditation form – guided, standing, drumming and rattling. Next, you will journal what was revealed to you to work with each element and how you can use it in your Reiki/Energy Work or practice for yourself and others. Lastly, we'll practice one-on-one and in a group!
Join me for a journey with colors in Reiki/Energy Work!